I’m relieved December’s begun for a number of reasons: (a) December is the month of Christmas, which is my favorite holiday; (b) Kevin and I have some adventures planned this month and; (c) November was an all-around unpleasant month I’m more than happy to say Continue reading
Category Archives: Round-Ups And Postscripts
October 2016 in Photos
I’m back! I know, I took quite the hiatus last week – in fact, this is the longest I’ve gone without posting any new content in the entire history of this website. But I have a good excuse, I promise. See, last Monday, I shot awake at six in the morning with severe pain in the left side of my neck, Continue reading
September 2016 in Photos
Alas, with the start of October, summer is officially completely over. While Kevin and I did not enjoy any overnight adventures this past month, we certainly made good use of Colorado’s sunny weather and seemingly endless array of parks and open spaces. Even though we’ve lived in the Denver area Continue reading
August 2016 in Photos
August 2016 marked the first time since January – yes, January – that Kevin and I didn’t spend one night away from home. Our European extravaganza in March and our three weeks spent hiking throughout Pacific Northwest in July left both of us quite, well, tired. The result? I had the chance Continue reading
July 2016 in Photos
It’s the last day of July, and I’m sitting here amazed at how fast this summer has passed me by. Honestly, it’s no wonder – we’ve been especially busy these past few months. Kevin and I kicked off June in Connecticut, visiting my family, and moved from Washington, D.C. to Denver two Continue reading
June 2016 in Photos
June felt never-ending and fast-paced at the same time, and I can hardly believe all of the action Kevin and I fit into a thirty-day span. We kicked the month off in Connecticut; we were visiting my parents and, thanks to an unexpected cancellation, our trip lasted twenty-four hours Continue reading
May 2016 In Photos
Is it just me, or is this year flying by? It’s already June 2, which means I have precisely eight days left as a D.C. resident. Even though Kevin and I will be packing up the moving truck just two months shy of my three-year D.C. anniversary, I couldn’t be more excited about our Continue reading
April 2016 in Photos
While not nearly as hectic as the past few months have been, April 2016 still saw two excellent weekend adventures that I haven’t even had time to share yet on my blog. Seriously, the backlog from my seventeen-day Europe trip in March is absurd, and mark my words, I’ll still be writing about Continue reading
March 2016 in Photos
The past 31 days have been exhilarating – if you’re a regular reader of my blog, then you might know that I spent seventeen wonderful days gallivanting around Europe. From the Scottish highlands to the canals of Amsterdam, it was one incredible trip that made Continue reading
February 2016 in Photos
This year, February was anything but short and sweet…or cold! Considering that I live in D.C., that last part means something. Aside from an unusually warm temperatures up and down the Eastern seaboard nearly all month long, February brought me to the California coast, San Francisco Continue reading